Bomber's Trek: TNG 1x01

Episode 35 November 03, 2024 00:37:06
Bomber's Trek: TNG 1x01
Star Trek: Warp (Top) 10
Bomber's Trek: TNG 1x01

Nov 03 2024 | 00:37:06


Show Notes

Acting Ensign Brian Parks has finally boarded NCC-1701-D and his journey is about to begin. We discuss Bombers impressions of Encounter at Farpoint and how World War III is only a few short years away.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Discovery, go at throttle. [00:00:10] Speaker B: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [00:00:26] Speaker A: Hello out there and welcome to the Star Trek Work Top 10 podcast. What's going on, everyone out there? I am your host, Phil Rizzo, and as always, I'm joined by my co host, Brian Parks. What's going on, Brian? [00:00:39] Speaker B: How the hell are you? [00:00:41] Speaker A: I'm well, thank you. You know what I said this is a, our top 10 podcast and it is, but we're not doing a top 10 today. No, folks, this is something new. Yeah, something new. We're our buddy Brian, as I think everybody knows, has started watching Next Generation. He watched the entire animated series. He has seen some of the movies, but he did start watching Next Generation. He has watched first couple episodes. So we decided we're gonna have a little supplemental pod here. Every time Brian watched an episode, we're gonna do a little pod, a little mini pod, get his impressions and talk about it. Bomber, you've been watching Next Gen. How do you feel? [00:01:18] Speaker B: Well, it's my first live action show and I'm ready to watch something else. You know, I'm already tired of it. [00:01:27] Speaker A: Great. We set up the whole pod. You're telling me now that you're not watching anymore? [00:01:31] Speaker B: We're done. This is our only mini pod. God bless Star Trek. [00:01:37] Speaker A: Why Star Trek sucks according to Brian Parks, everybody. [00:01:41] Speaker B: Yeah, no, so, yeah, yeah, I feel like, you know, we'll try to, I'll watch the show go through and have some fun with it while we're watching it here. You know, we'll talk about the episodes and it'll kind of like be a little, a little mini guide to each episode as we go along here, you know. [00:01:56] Speaker A: Yeah, a little, little supplemental pod, if you will, to the, to the regular pod. Yeah, so, yeah, that's pretty cool. So, yeah, basically we're gonna, we're gonna, you know, whatever episode he watches, we're gonna talk about it, get his impressions, how he felt overall and how, how he's going along that Next Gen journey. So let's. You. What do you got? You got something? [00:02:16] Speaker B: No, I was only gonna say make sure, you know, we want to hear your input as well, because I, I know, you know, in my mind every Star Trek fans, like, it's all five stars. But no, I know there's some that you're, you have, that are, that are up and down and everything else. So throw in, you know, it'll be like a little Q and A here with me because I obviously, I don't know what the hell I'm looking at here. But I. I gotta tell you, I can't wait to dive into this because it's just insanity. So, yeah, let's. Let's make it happen. [00:02:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll tell you what. Star Trek fans are just like any other fan base, right? Just like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings sports fans. Like, there's good and there's bad, you know, I mean, so they'll. They'll hate on episodes just like anybody else will, you know, I should say some hate. Some are just like, well, no, I didn't care for that one. There's some a little more, you know, polite about it. But, you know, it is what it is. People can dislike or like whatever the heck they want. And that goes for you too, you know, if you don't like the episode, you're gonna tell me. This. This was. This was ridiculous. Here's why. You know, or you don't have to. You should be like, I don't have any specific reasons. Overall, I just. I wanted to take a shit during the episode. That's pretty much it. You know, you can just say that. [00:03:15] Speaker B: If you want to. Hopefully I won't go down that road, but. Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. Yeah. So. Well, let's. Are we going to kick this off here? You know, let's kick it off. [00:03:25] Speaker A: Hey, but first, don't forget to check us out on Instagram and TikTok at swarp10 or give us an email at, let us know what you think of this. What do you think of Bomber's opinion? What you liked or disliked about this episode? Yeah, so we're going to dive right in. So we're going to start. Obviously, the first episode you watched is the pilot. We watched it together. We talked a little bit about it. And I know you watched it. You watched it again in preparation for this pod, which is good. [00:03:53] Speaker B: Well, I was going to say anytime doing this, it's always better to watch it when you're not having a gummy because that really ruins the whole experience, you know, Me and you, we watched it. I didn't know what the hell was going on, to be honest with you. But I and I, that was that night. I. We watched it definitely one night when I was on. Fuck. I was basically on the planet Mars myself watching the goddamn show. So it's better off we don't do that. So I can tell you what I really felt about the show. You know what I mean? [00:04:25] Speaker A: Right. I guess I thought it was early enough. It didn't kick in yet. Like, you would watch the episode and then you kind of blast it off. But I guess. I guess it kind of affect you while you're watching it. [00:04:33] Speaker B: Yeah, because, you know, I think I probably saw the inner workings of a bag of lay's potato chips more than I saw Patrick Stewart on the goddamn screen. Because I was fucking house and everything, you know. [00:04:46] Speaker A: So that was so much fun. [00:04:48] Speaker B: And I was like, I need to revisit this. And so I did that. And yeah, it was. It was definitely. We'll dive into it. So go ahead, why don't you kick it off? What's the name of the episode here? [00:04:59] Speaker A: So, folks, he's talking about Encounter at Farpoint, parts one and two, if you want to split it up like that. It was one episode when it aired as a pilot the first time. It's like an hour and a half, you know, TV structure wise. So, yeah, this was the pilot. This kicked off the whole show. You know, I will, I will. I won't put any of my input into it. I just want to hear, first of all, what are your overall impressions of the pilot in general, the first episode of next year, much overall. Overall feel about it? [00:05:25] Speaker B: Well, I was gonna say this, you know, watching it, I was like, you know, it's one of those things I was thinking about just some. Some kind of fun TV shows in all and in general where I was like, it's just wonderful that something like this actually exists. You know, I mean, like, it's one of those things I'm like, you know, because it's just such a ridiculous fun thing. It's like, you know, like, I can't believe all these people put all this time and energy and money to something that's not real. I don't know. I think about this in general with a lot of this stuff, you know, I mean, and. And it was just like, it was just. It was just fun. I. Overall, the whole thing to me is just a fun thing. I will say that I was like, you know, I. I'm very intrigued by the whole thing. Like, I kind of always have been, but, you know, and I like the idea that they're. That this is the beginning of their ship or whatever, and that we're, as far as I know, I don't really know that. But I'm saying for the show, I'm saying, like, we're about to this and they're going to go on these. All these different journeys and shit like that. Like, it's like new. Every show is a new adventure. A kind of a thing. So, you know, overall, I thought it was, you know. Now the other thing I'll say was I know that we're going back to 80s, obviously. I like to watch a lot of old shit myself, so I. And I understand you're watching it through today's lens and everything. So it's like, you know, you're watching it where you're like, yes. Is it cheesy at points? Is it corny at points? Is this and that? Yeah, I guess. But you could. I don't think there's anything. You on television even now, you couldn't watch it like. And like Mystery Science Theater, the fucking shit out of it. You know what I mean? [00:06:44] Speaker A: It's true. It is very true. You have as much fun as you want with it. And. Yeah, you can always find something to, you know, playfully pick at. Right. Which is kind of. [00:06:53] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:06:54] Speaker A: Kind of what we do on this pod in general sometimes. You know what I mean? We're breaking down episodes and one episode's got to be better than the other is always going to be a reason one episode's better than the other. And the reason is this was stupid or this didn't work, you know, so. Yeah, I hear you. Not everything's going to be. Nothing can be perfect. It's art. It's subjective. And we have our opinions. [00:07:10] Speaker B: And I'm curious because I know, as you always say, that the first season is rough and then once you get through that. But I think other shows, like, as far as, like, I don't even want to say Modern Television, whenever I bring up the Dukes of Hazard, but even Seinfeld, like, when I. Those are the two shows, I probably know the best, I guess, you know, and even that is not the best. I know there's people that know way better coming. Dukes of Hazard, for example. You watch season one, it is completely different than watching season four or five, you know, I mean, and I'm sure. And Seinfeld is the same thing. I mean, no, that's a sitcom, but you know what I'm saying? Like. Like this show here, is it drastic? Like, are the characters are probably not even fully formed or are they. Is what I'm gonna say what I wanted to ask, like, you know, I guess, you know, is Data. Data here, as he is in four, or Picard or Striker or Riker, whatever the hell his name is, you know, or any of them. I don't know, you know, Would have. [00:07:56] Speaker A: Been cooler if his name was Striker, now that I think about it. [00:07:59] Speaker B: I don't know, why was I. Striker, you're coming in too hard. [00:08:02] Speaker A: Striker, Striker, Striker, Striker. Yes, great question, great question. Yeah. I mean, so they do change. They do change. Now, some of the ingredients are there, both in characters, both in tone for the show, both in, you know, sort of the spirit of what, you know, what they wanted to take, what they wanted to do. But, yes, some of it's different. Like, it's very much a pilot episode. I'll say this. Unlike a lot of other shows that came out at the time, the pilot is not so dissimilar from the rest of the first season. Whereas in a lot of shows there's a pilot and then a year later the show comes out and it's like, wow, that was. That's really different. Actually. I can't think of any examples right now, but like you said, I know it's from, like, a while ago, right? Like, the Seinfeld's a great example. I know you watched the first, you know, when you watch the first season of Seinfeld and to a lesser extent, the second season, it's. It's a different show. It is, yeah. Like, they're more, quote, unquote, normal in the first, you know, few, couple seasons. Whereas, I mean, everyone knows as the show goes on, it gets more and more surreal and more and more, you know, unlikely that these events happen as they happen. But, yeah, the show's very different in the beginning, and that's because they. They're. They're trying to find their footing, they're trying to find their characters, trying to find a good vibe with which to make this show with. And I think next gen is, you know, no exception. So to answer your question, it's. It's half and half. Some is, in my opinion, some is, you know, they lay the groundwork in that first episode. For example, Captain Picard. I mean, Patrick Stewart is so good. Like, I'd say he was like 80 to 85% there in that first episode. [00:09:39] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:09:40] Speaker A: You know, you take the height of Picard in, like, season five, say, and you go back to the pilot and, like, he's already 85% there. Whereas, you know, Counselor Troy, she's not. She's not quite. Don't nobody yell at me for this. Not quite as emotional in the rest of the show as she is for, like, the first season. She's kind of. She doesn't cry much over, like, feelings, but she kind of does. In the first episode, they had her very, very touchy feely. Even more so in the first episode. Her And Riker, you know, so. Yeah, I'm sorry. [00:10:09] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see that chemistry right there. And she's. By the way, she's smoking as hell. I don't know if she was on my. When we did the. The hot girls list. That girl's gorgeous. And the character is. I. I know they have the other. What's the blonde girl's name? And she's very pretty, too. Yeah. [00:10:27] Speaker A: Tasha Yar. [00:10:28] Speaker B: Tasha. I just think that the brunettes character seems to be more interesting than the. Than the blonde girls character to me. I don't know so far. I mean, you know, I mean, we're just getting into it here, but. [00:10:39] Speaker A: Yeah. So you talk about Marina Certus playing counselor Troy. So she's the ship's counselor, something that the original series didn't have, nor the Animated series, or they may have, but they weren't a main character, obviously. Right, so that's something different. Yeah, that's something different. That's. That's like, you know, a little psychology. She can sense emotion as a Betazoid, so. So it's cool when she's, you know, in a negotiation, she's a good ally to Captain Picard, you know, Riker, whoever. She's helping out because she could sense deception or, you know, fear or blah, blah, blah in these. In these people on the view screen or in a negotiation. [00:11:10] Speaker B: She's got a spidey sense on the ship there. [00:11:13] Speaker A: She kind of does. Right. It's like. It's literally a sixth sense, you know? And then. And Tasha Yar is security chief, you know, so different vibe, you know, they wanted a strong woman, I imagine, in there. Yeah, that was kind of cool. They had. They had security on the original series. Usually there were red shirts who got killed right away, but. Yeah, so that's interesting. So Troy kind of jumped out at you more than Tasha Yard did. Since we're talking about the female characters, what about Dr. Crusher? What do you think of her? [00:11:40] Speaker B: Oh, you know what? I forgot about Crusher. I should. How could I forget her? Because I remember that was. [00:11:44] Speaker A: We got a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, so. Right there. [00:11:46] Speaker B: Yeah. So diversity, you know, but it's funny, your. Your father was. That was your dad's crush there. Right, right. She's. But she's another one. That's a strong character. But now. But it. But it. But, you know, I mean, you know, just like the medical. She's like the. What's his name on the original show there? Bones. Right. Is that her? She's Bones of the Show. Yeah. Okay. [00:12:09] Speaker A: She's the chief medical officer. Yep. [00:12:11] Speaker B: Right. Yeah. So I tell you what, folks, I. [00:12:13] Speaker A: Can'T wait till he starts, like, name, like, using the terminology, because he's gonna start using it, and it's coming out for me to hear, because when the chief medical officer went to the bridge. No, I'm sorry, she was in sick band, used the fucking tricorder to put in 2ccs of. I'll be like, oh, my God, give. [00:12:28] Speaker B: Me a couple seasons. We'll have it all down here. [00:12:30] Speaker A: Yeah, you definitely will. But yeah, so she's the bones. She's the chief medical officer. So, you know, like you said, all strong female characters. I know Troy's definitely playing more of a emotionally driven character, but. Yeah, I thought. I thought the female characters pretty. Pretty well written for the. For the first. First part of the show. And you've only seen a couple episodes. [00:12:47] Speaker B: But I have like. Like right now, we haven't really gotten into the. The one that I think has had the least amount of time so far is War is worth, I think, so far. Who. I haven't really seen much of him yet. I feel like. And I gotta ask you this now. I don't know how you are there. I know there's got to be characters people are, you know, like more than others, but we got to talk about the kid. The kid, the kid. I'm already like, all right, I kind of want to just, you know, chuck this kid off this. Off the ship here. Interesting. [00:13:14] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Yeah. So. So help me out. So what. What, off the bat, like, annoyed you about either Will W. Or Wesley Crusher? [00:13:22] Speaker B: And again, I'm not necessarily blaming Will Wheaton on this. It's. You know, I know that they're throwing the, you know, the doctor's kid in there or whatever, but I feel like first episode wasn't so bad, but the second episode, I don't know if it was just, like. It was just a little over the top, a little annoying with the. He. Him taking control. Well, we'll get to that. That's the. There's actually episode three, right. Technically. [00:13:42] Speaker A: Technically, because they count that the pilot episode is one and two. [00:13:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay, so we'll talk about that one later on. But. But gotcha so far. Just a little bit. I'm like, all right, I know if he wasn't there, I could deal. You know, I don't know. But, you know, and I remind me of an article I read years ago when they were talking about shows at the time when we were watching TV, like, in the 90s, whatever you want to say, but why Seinfeld, Friends and Frazier was getting more. They were throwing this whole idea that the reason why those shows were maybe bigger than Home Improvement, even though Home Improvement was a big show. I'm trying to think of other shows like Home Improvement that had kids on there where it was like, you know, Seinfeld and Cheers and I mean, well, Cheers too. But in the 90s, Seinfeld, Frasier, friends, there was no real children involved. And it makes it a different show, I guess. You know what I mean? And the Star Trek for me is like, I don't know if I necessarily needed that character there, but it does make it more of a normalized thing. Like, it's not like kids don't exist in society. They do. You know what I mean? So, like, you know. Yeah, I don't know how to. I. But again, it's two episodes in and I'm just bitching already about the kid, but I probably shouldn't do that, you know, But I want to hear it. [00:14:43] Speaker A: I want to hear it because again, you know, so. So a few things. So I. When I talked about Wesley Crusher, I think it was in the last episode I talked about him. You know, I was his age when the show came out, so I think I didn't care that. [00:14:54] Speaker B: Right. [00:14:54] Speaker A: You know what I mean? So it was kind of like the Ewok, you know, Jar Jar thing. Right. Like, you know, when we're kids, Ewoks, like, ah, they're cute. It. I don't, I don't get annoyed by them. But then Jar Jar, like, what the is this? When really in spirit, it's the same crap. You know what I mean? So. [00:15:05] Speaker B: Right. [00:15:06] Speaker A: But as far as. So, so they. They made a weird choice to have families on the Enterprise for the next gen. So that wasn't the case in original series. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Interesting. Okay. [00:15:16] Speaker A: Never the case. So I think for one, part of the reason they wanted to put them in there was because they wanted to have a representative of that family dynamic, you know, the sort of the civilian dynamic. Now. He quickly started doing shit on the ship, you know, and as you'll see, and he becomes sort of a part of the crew. But I think that was. That was originally their thinking in the pilot 2. Will Wheaton was kind of a big character actor at the time. You know, he was. He was pretty popular. He had done some movies that a lot of people recognized. So he was a familiar face on there. [00:15:44] Speaker B: Gotcha. [00:15:45] Speaker A: But I hear you. He was uber annoying in the episode that you watched, which was the naked. The naked Now. So we'll get to that. Like I said next pod, but. But I totally get why you and a lot of fans were like, no, no, no, no. This is, this isn't gonna work. [00:15:59] Speaker B: Obviously. We got a couple things we got. Just real quick, we got a. We got to jump into with this first episode. Number one, they go to this one. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna fuck all this up. But they go to this one part of the land where this guy is there with the long gray hair or whatever the hell his name is. [00:16:14] Speaker A: Yeah. They went down to the, To Far Point station, right? And the crop. The guy who ran the station was like, talking to Riker. [00:16:21] Speaker B: That was a weird dude. That whole thing was kind of interesting. I like that whole side thing when they go down there was pretty cool. And. But now we got to get to some other shit here. The guy that, your Q guy that comes in. [00:16:31] Speaker A: Sure, Q. [00:16:33] Speaker B: He's got all these powers. There was nothing better than watching these other guys. You've seen this guy. It might have been the second time he shows up on the, on the ship or whatever. I'm trying to remember where we're like, they all start to get like they're going to get tough to do something to this guy. And, you know, I. Nothing made me laugh more than that this motherfucker, this guy's just showing up and doing all this kind of crazy and Warf thinks he's going to stand up there and do dick. But you're not doing dick, bro. You know what I'm saying? You know, like, I, I, I love that. It was like, you know, you're getting here, you know. [00:17:01] Speaker A: Well, Picard called him out on that, right? Luke and I, Luke and I have joked about that multiple times when, like, he went to blow a hole through the view screen. And Picard's like, yeah, what? What are you doing? Like, it's not. [00:17:11] Speaker B: Yes, exactly, Exactly. [00:17:12] Speaker A: Sorry about that, you know, so totally true. And that, that was, that was a great moment to establish the fact that, like, remind fans that Klingons are aggressive. Right? So he's a Klingon. He's aggressive. His first instinct is to fight his way out of it, you know, I mean, he's not, he's not taking negotiation. He's like, all right, let me bring this phaser up and just take care of this guy. He's a threat to the Enterprise, threat to my captain. I'm gonna blow him away. So, yeah, that was introducing Worf as You know, the Klingon on the ship, which by the way, is a new thing. [00:17:40] Speaker B: I know you've mentioned that before. That, that he was, that wasn't. There wasn't anything like that in the original series where they had a Klingon. [00:17:45] Speaker A: Right. He's the first Klingon in Star. He's the only Klingon in Starfleet, actually. So that, that was, that was a, that was a cool thing, making the Klingons allies. [00:17:52] Speaker B: All right, two other things we got to. We gotta mention real quick. Number one is the. To me, the most hilarious. And I know it was a big. That is a big deal when the ship, it breaks apart from itself, right. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Then they never done that saucer separation. [00:18:05] Speaker B: Yeah, the saucer separation. That should have been the name of the. But the funniest, the best scene in the whole thing in Mystery Science Theater. I'm talking. Right. I would have had a field day, in my opinion, with Dizzy when they, when they go to reconnect it. And now Rikers there. I think I was mentioning this to you when we were talking about. I'm like, this guy's trying to. He's explaining to them what to do, you know what I mean? And all right, he's not really doing anything. He's explaining them what. Where to, where to put it. To me, it was like watching someone open up a piece of furniture from IKEA and they're looking at the instruction manual and it's step one and step two and he's telling the person how to put one with two, then they do it. Everybody is like, I can't believe that actually happened. The. Everybody on the bridge looked at Riker like, we're gonna blow you right now and I can't wait to do it. Like. And he had this big shit eating grin on his face like, I just did it. I just had sex with everybody on this ship right there. You know, I mean, like, he was like, like, no one's dick is bigger than mine right now in the history of Star Trek. You know, it was like, what. What did you do, bro? You fucking put the ship together again. I don't know. It was just hilarious to me. It was like, you know, it was just the best. [00:19:15] Speaker A: But I know you give him seven seasons. He may actually get blown by the whole ship. He's late a lot, but I'm sure he does. [00:19:23] Speaker B: I, you know, he's the, he looks like the big romantic league lead there. You know what I mean? Obviously, you know, And I did like. I was gonna say I did like his relationship with Bakar, from the standpoint of, like, you know, them too, like, just meeting and working together. Right. Like, them coming. That was kind of a cool thing, I thought, you know. [00:19:39] Speaker A: Yeah, that's cool. You know, Picard sort of established his, you know, his authority, but at the same time, he welcomed him. You know, he. You know, that you can see that they're going to be a good little. Good little team going forward. [00:19:50] Speaker B: Is this the one when. I'm making sure. I'm making sure this one and not the third episode there, but when they go into the holodeck thing. Riker and. Aren't Riker and Data in the hologram at one point in this episode? [00:20:01] Speaker A: Yep, the holodeck. That was the first. First episode, so. [00:20:04] Speaker B: And I know it was. I know this is like, you know, hey, listen, it looks like, you know, what could you do with television? Editing, whatever. But it looked like something in one of our films in a way that, you know, from the standpoint of, I guess they were showing you that Data is an Android and he has this strength, but when he goes like, pick up Riker. The edit in the cut of that was just. [00:20:23] Speaker A: Wesley picked up. [00:20:23] Speaker B: Wesley. [00:20:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:24] Speaker B: I was a Wesley. I was like, damn, Wesley came running. [00:20:27] Speaker A: He fell on the rock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was right. Supposed to be like, oh, my God, he lifted my one hand, but holy shit. [00:20:32] Speaker B: You know, but it was clearly a. [00:20:34] Speaker A: Stuntman jumping on the rocks. They do that a lot. They do that a lot in the first season. They get better at that. But. [00:20:41] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. I mean, but that's just the fun of it, though. I mean, you know, but, but, but. But Data's character, obviously, is. Is very cool. I can see the appeal there. I know that was always one of your favorite characters, if not your favorite on Next. [00:20:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I think. I think he still is. I think on Next Gen, I think he's my favorite character. Hopefully, you know, we'll. I'm really curious to see who you sort of gravitate towards more. [00:20:59] Speaker B: Yeah, Troy. [00:21:00] Speaker A: She would. That's good. That's good. I mean, they did establish a lot early on, too. So with Data, he's. He was pretty much. He's not as, like, talky or silly, you know, sort of going. Moving. I'm sure. [00:21:15] Speaker B: I'm sure he was. [00:21:16] Speaker A: He was a little comic relief at first, you know, with the. [00:21:18] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:21:19] Speaker A: Oh, to. To sneak. Oh, you mean to, you know, Scully, pussyfoot. And he starts going into all the synonyms and stuff. Yeah. [00:21:25] Speaker B: So that. [00:21:25] Speaker A: That. That settles down a little bit. His character. But, I mean, it's. It's kind of cool because it's kind of real for his. In my opinion, kind of real for his character. Like, once Picard's like, data, that's enough. Like, after a couple times, you know, dude, please. [00:21:38] Speaker B: Right. [00:21:38] Speaker A: He just learns how to. I like to look into this character development and not better writing, you know, I mean, it's like, okay. Danny just doesn't do it as much because Picard's like, you don't need to do it as much. So. Yeah, so Data was kind of there, too. So what about. The only character I think we didn't touch on is Geordie. So Geordi's. [00:21:56] Speaker B: Go ahead. I'm trying to remember what else he did. [00:21:58] Speaker A: So he's the helmsman in the pilot. And really it was an introduction to his visor. Right. So the idea is that you've cured blindness, you know, in the 24th century. And does he take it off in. [00:22:10] Speaker B: This episode, or is it the third one? He takes it off at one point I saw him would have taken off. Like, I can't remember. [00:22:19] Speaker A: I feel like. I feel like he had it off when Crusher was examining him. Yeah, that was kind of his introduction to, like, okay, he can. Not only can he see, not only is he blind, but, like, he can see, like, infrared spectrum and all that shit. So it was a way to introduce his visor as being like this. This device that can kind of do more than what normalized can do and yet kind of like Data, he'd still trade him in for real eyes, you know? [00:22:42] Speaker B: Yeah. Right. [00:22:42] Speaker A: To see people the way he wants to see him. So. Yeah. So Jordy, you know, Jordy, that character develops a lot as far as his duties on the ship as the. As the ship, as the show goes along. So, you know, you'll see that. But for now, he's kind of. He's buddy. Buddy with Data, and he's. He's the helmsman. He's kind of navigating for the ship. [00:23:00] Speaker B: Was there. Is there a quote equivalent to him on the original show there or not really. [00:23:05] Speaker A: Well, Sulu was the helmsman. So data station where Data sits on the left, that's sort of operations. That's like science station operations. And where Jordy is on the right is pretty much where Wesley ends up in a lot of his episodes. Pretty much the helm just. Just navigating the show. And that's. [00:23:22] Speaker B: That was George T. In the original show. [00:23:25] Speaker A: George T. Yes. He was the helm. [00:23:27] Speaker B: Oh, no. [00:23:27] Speaker A: Sulu was the helm. [00:23:28] Speaker B: He was. Okay. Okay. [00:23:29] Speaker A: So Sulu was the. Was the Geordie sort of. [00:23:32] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. [00:23:33] Speaker A: I kind of like the fact that they didn't just cookie cut characters. I like that. [00:23:38] Speaker B: I. I agree with you there. I guess, I guess I'm just always thinking about if, if, you know, I understand that it's a different show. So. But. And I like that, like you said, they're not doing everything exactly the same. But I, but I was just trying to follow from the standpoint of what is what on the actual bridge. There's. Right. If there's a. If there's a protocol or, you know, this and that. [00:23:59] Speaker A: I'm believing when I tell you that, like, things change here and there. Like pretty much where Yar is standing right above, you know, Picard, Riker and Troy. That. That's the, that's the, that's the weapons. So she's controlling the weapons from there. Wharf couldn't fucking tell you what he's doing behind Yar. He's just there to stand on the bridge. I'm not sure what station that is. It's another science station. It's. It's a computer. You know, Data sits there a lot going forward to try to analyze shit, you know, when he's not just at the, at the operation station at the front of the bridge. But yeah, there's sort of fluid how the bridge is set up, but for the most part, it's a good point because for the most part, the stations are what they are for the whole show. So the helm is on the left, you know, operations on the right. The security, the weapons are right where they always are. [00:24:41] Speaker B: Yeah, and, and what about now? I'm always curious to know how you guys felt watching this for the first time. Now I know this is. You were just. This was your first deal, so I mean, but if someone like your dad watched this after watching original show, like they watched this whole first episode with all these new character and they're like, oh, we did all this so jellyfish can fucking space. Like, what are we doing here? Like, you know, at the ending, like, like, like, like what was. Like, what was the. Is it ever. Is it always that wild? We're like, oh, okay. You know, like, to me, I was like, what the fuck are we doing here? You know. But I guess it's part of the whole deals. You're gonna see some wacky science fiction shit there, you know what I mean? [00:25:13] Speaker A: Like, definitely, definitely. I mean, I think. I actually think this pilot's pretty clever as far as like the twist, like I kind of like the fact that like the station they were on the whole time was an organism. It's pretty wild, no? [00:25:24] Speaker B: Yeah, like, God, I'm sorry. I was thinking of what's the thing in Empire when, you know, this is no cave. That's what I was thinking exactly, you know. You know, and who knows, who knows. [00:25:35] Speaker A: They didn't get it from that, you know, they. Seven years prior, you know. Right. [00:25:40] Speaker B: But, but I think that it wasn't necessarily just that. I mean there was a lot more to it than that. Maybe if they got anything, maybe an idea of that. But I do think. I know you're saying it was a clever thing. I just felt like, I guess I was wondering if a lot of the episodes were. I guess what do you expect? It's Star Trek. It's not going to be, you know, something that's not going to be wild. I guess, I don't know, you know. [00:26:00] Speaker A: I mean it's some, some episodes are like. Some are, some aren't. Right. So some are grounded, some are just like human stories, you know, character driven stories. Which is, which is just as good. Some have a cool ending like this where it's like, oh, the whole time there was this. But some don't. Some are just like. Some are just like TV act breaks, right? Something crazy happens. Oh, commercial. Something crazy happens. Oh, commercial, you know, and then there's a resolution and then credits like, you know, not everyone is an M. Night Shyamalan, you know, twist kind of thing, you know, but, but there's a nice. [00:26:29] Speaker B: Mix and the commercial breaks are the best. Like when it's when something. And this is not just Star Trek, this is a lot of these action or whatever you want to say, like somewhat drama esque shows where they, it's like written in for the commercial break, you know what I mean? So it's not like, I don't think you get that on t television shows today, but it's like back then, it's like something dramatic will happen and then it's. Let's cut to this guy's reaction, that guy's reaction. Everybody has this worried look on their face and then, you know what I mean? [00:26:54] Speaker A: Like it's music crescendos and commercial. [00:26:57] Speaker B: You can almost tell because they did. [00:27:00] Speaker A: Like, they, you know, so it's. I think it's like a, I think, I guess, I don't know, I guess it's five acts, right, what we're watching, I guess. And it's. They gotta, they got to build to something five times in the Episode just to like get to the commercial, you know, they got to leave a cliffhanger on each one. [00:27:15] Speaker B: So weird. [00:27:17] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, right? You want. You don't want to change the channel. It's such an odd thing to think about now. [00:27:22] Speaker B: But I was, I was going to say the only thing they would do with it now would be like, almost like I said, I didn't really talk about this money in the pods there, but just about. I know we always talk about Raiders and Star wars being based on like those guys were in love with those old serials that might like. My dad went to the movie theater and saw those movie serial serials where there was the cliffhanger ending. So you had to have them come back next week. That's what I think a lot of TV is now where it's the idea of. It's like Star Trek. They had to do it for every commercial break. And my. We're like here nowadays it's just the end of the episode, you know, I mean, it's like make sure we give them something at the end so that we hook them to come back kind of thing. You know what I mean? [00:27:54] Speaker A: Right, right. [00:27:55] Speaker B: But it's like they only have to worry about one commercial break, but these guys are worrying about fucking five or six during the show. You know what I mean? [00:28:01] Speaker A: It's an entirely different style of writing. You know, it's something that we're not used to watching anymore. We're used to watching modern shows on streaming or even network television is a little different. Like Simpsons, for example. Like they used to be. I think it used to be three acts, but now it's like four or five because they've crammed more commercials in there. Now. When it came in the 90s, Simpsons had like three commercial breaks at the most. Say, you know, I mean, right after the credits and then a break and then one more and then the climax. Whereas now there's like five commercials in a half hour sitcom. It's pretty crazy. So anyway, it's a different kind of writing. It's different to get used to. So, yeah, so Q. We talk a little bit about Q. Now this is. This, you know from our pod that Q is in a bunch of episodes. This isn't the last time you'll see Q. This isn't the last time you'll see him in the first season, actually. So you'll see him pretty soon again and you'll start to form sort of an opinion about Q. But what was your first impressions of Q? And that whole storyline about him putting humanity on trial. What'd you think about that? [00:28:59] Speaker B: I was cool, you know. Yeah, I mean, I like, I mean he definitely seemed like a badass. And like I said, it looked like, you know, they were like, they could try to do anything. I'm like, you guys have no fucking shot to do it. This guy's got you guys. Yeah, he owns you guys, you know. [00:29:11] Speaker A: Right. [00:29:11] Speaker B: But no, I thought it was, I thought it was a good character. I'm trying to remember how, how he left it with them, where he kind of like, you know, once they, once they saw through his or whatever, when they proved that human. Humans were, you know, more. [00:29:25] Speaker A: Somewhat worth it. Right. Like when they figured out the, the, the fact that the two creatures was just trying to get back together. You know what I mean? Like, that was a good test. Waiting to see the test he gives them down the line. That was nothing. That was kindergarten. The test he gives us, you know, later on in the show is the SATs. But yeah, but. Yeah, no, so that's so, so, you know, so that post apocalyptic environment that that was in, that actually happened in Trek history. So that was like right after World War three, you know, there was this post apocalyptic thing where, you know, the military was controlled by drugs and you know, you know, judge, jury and executioner people were just put on trial for what the ever, you know, so that's interesting because that's a bit of like Trek history there. So you're. It's a period piece about history that didn't really happen. You know, I mean, it's kind of interesting. I like that they kind of dove right into their own lore there. So. Yeah, so. So Q, you know, so that's Q. You know, like I said, I'm really curious to see, you know, your impressions after you see Q a couple times. [00:30:26] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:30:27] Speaker A: Because you've heard us talk about Q, so we're not going to do that, you know, too much. I'll let you sort of feel your way out. [00:30:32] Speaker B: Yeah. I feel like. Not that he wasn't funny here, but. I know, I know. I think I feel like he gets funnier as the show goes on. I'm guessing because he was definitely bad. [00:30:40] Speaker A: Absolutely. Does he? Absolutely. [00:30:42] Speaker B: But the character is cool. Like it seems like he could do a lot of different shit and it's like, it's almost like we're nothing to him. So it's like, you know, he could just fuck around with the human beings and. I don't know. I like that. [00:30:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:30:52] Speaker B: And his. [00:30:52] Speaker A: Exactly what it was. [00:30:54] Speaker B: His costumes were insane. I was like, what is this guy wearing on this. On this ship right now? [00:30:59] Speaker A: You know, Very theatrical. Yeah, he's got a flair for the theatrical. [00:31:04] Speaker B: Now. Now, joke. Now. What else do we want to hit here? Is there rating? I don't want to do the rating. What else? Was there another thing? [00:31:10] Speaker A: Yeah, so. So. I mean, so, basically so. Yeah. So, you know, it's tough for the pilot, you know, so. Yeah, just. I want to. Just your overall impression. So let me ask you this. If you could think of something, what would you say you liked best and liked worst about the episode? If you had to pick, it could be a character, a line, a shot. I don't care. I'm just curious if something stood out. If it didn't, it didn't. [00:31:31] Speaker B: Yeah, I would. I would say. I guess. I guess my favorite thing was for this one, I guess, was Picard and his relationship with everyone. Kind of like. I liked. I liked watching him getting to learn stuff with Riker. I noticed something there with him and Crusher, you know, and the way he was dealing with Q and everything. I don't know. I feel like he was definitely one that I. I liked a lot. You know, I'm trying to think. Yeah, like, I said that that moment with them putting the back together, that was the best. I was dying. I'm telling you, man, that was the best. Yeah. No, but I did like that they. Like I said I liked the whole beaming thing, going from the ship to the other spot. Well, that shit is so. I love that, you know? Like, it's so funny. [00:32:18] Speaker A: Somebody, like, who's never watched. I forget that that's a thing that people liked at first in six. Must have been like, holy shit, they're just transporting, you know. Yeah. [00:32:25] Speaker B: Like, you know, like, they're gonna go down onto this thing or whatever, and then I have to get into, like, another ship to go down there or whatever. They just fucking. Boom, bang. They're right there and they. Again, you know, I don't know. I just think it's. I don't like that. I like the adventure of it, I guess. I don't know. Like, you know, there's. And. But also what I like is, it's. You're dealing with this thing, and, like, you know, the next episode is gonna be a whole nother fucking thing. I mean, I guess that's all television, but it's. It's cool that it just happens to be on a spaceship and it's like endless shit you could do. Really? I don't know. You know? [00:32:54] Speaker A: Yeah. Awesome. So, and I know you mentioned like Wesley, but that's more in like the next episode we'll talk about. But so what would you say stood out as like, oh, you know, I wasn't crazy about that other than Wesley, let's say. If you could think of anything else. [00:33:08] Speaker B: I mean, I, I don't know. I really can't think of anything really specific for that. I guess maybe just the overall cheesiness of some of the, some of the acting or way it looks. Because I know it's the first episode and I don't know. Yeah, 80s TV, I guess, you know, but it's like we're from that time. So it's like I, I, it's not like I could watch it. No problem. Where I feel like I could see someone watching going, this is, does it get better? I don't know. You know what I mean? [00:33:37] Speaker A: Well, it's curious. I mentioned, I mentioned that my, my daughter's boyfriend Jacoby, who lives here, like he started watching it. He just started watching it because, you know, he knew I said do the pod and you know, he just watched the JJ Abrams, you know, Trek movie. I watch it. [00:33:50] Speaker B: I forgot they like those. You, I forgot they did. [00:33:53] Speaker A: Yeah, they liked it. So Emma hadn't, Emma had seen Into Darkness before. I didn't know that. But she had never seen the original, so she liked it. She thinks in the Darkness is better. But that's, you know, so we'll see. So I'm going to show Jacobi that. But so he just started watching it on his own. And I'm very curious to see if that a younger person, he's 24. I'm very curious to see if that affects him. Like the cheesiness of 80s TV, the writing, the acting, the over makeup, the, you know, just the way they did it. I mean, to me, you and I, like, we're, like you said, we're okay with that. We grew up watching those. You know, this is shot just like an episode of fucking, you know, Simon and Simon or Hunter. You know, I mean, like we just watch these episodes and it's like, oh, that's the way TV looked back then, you know, and by the third season, it changes its feel a little bit. But yeah, so that's cool. So you know, you had a lot to like about it, a couple things you didn't like. But overall. So let's, let's get it. So folks, we're going to do a 1 to 10 rating for all these episodes that could get a little crazy. But since we do the IMDb ratings on the pod. We might as well keep it, Keep it consistent. [00:34:49] Speaker B: What was the IMDb rating for this episode? [00:34:52] Speaker A: I kind of want you to rate it first before. [00:34:55] Speaker B: Yeah, no, no, I'm going to. I'm going. I didn't know if you were going to. Well, so I gotta tell you, I don't know how to rate it. You know, it's not like, I mean, I liked it. I had fun with it. I'm not, you know, screaming to run, run back out for this specific episode. Like, I'm looking forward to watching the next one now. I mean, I've seen this one one and a half times if you count the one time when I was banged up there. But I guess I was. I was going to say, I don't know if this is too high or too low, but I'm going to say just to kick it off, I'm going to give it a 6.5. How's that? That's. [00:35:24] Speaker A: I mean, I'll tell you what. So IMDb has it at 6.9. [00:35:28] Speaker B: Wow. Okay. [00:35:29] Speaker A: So pretty good. I'll tell you what, I would probably rank it right around there as well. You know, I never, like, ranked the episodes myself other than, you know, top tens and shit like that, but I never ranked each episode. But I hear you. You know, it's a pilot. I think it gets the job done, but I think it does have flaws. I think it could have been better in certain ways. And again, any new fans watching it now? You know, I feel like it was in the Sevens at one point and maybe, like, as new fans watch it, it's like, well, that was kind of cheesy. I'm gonna put it down to 6.9. But you know what, overall, like I said, it's. It's a pilot episode and you got to kind of take it for what it is. But yeah, I think you're running the money there. I think, yeah, 6.6.5 is not unreasonable. [00:36:08] Speaker B: We'll take it. [00:36:10] Speaker A: So, yeah, so listen, encounter at Far Point. That's Brian started his Trek journey. Man, I can't wait to, to keep talking about these episodes with you. Now listen, spoiler alert here. Ready? Watch the second one. So we're gonna, we're gonna go ahead and talk about that a little bit in the next supplemental pod and. Yeah, and you guys can, can join Bomber on his little, little Trek journey here. I'm very excited. [00:36:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I. If I stay awake through all these episodes, we'll, we'll rate them. There we go. [00:36:41] Speaker A: All right. Well, listen, thanks, everyone. Hit us up, you know, Instagram, tick tock. Give us an email, Let us know what you think of Bombers Trek Journey. All right? And we will. We'll see you next time. [00:36:55] Speaker B: Adios.

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